| Japanese (日本語)
  Cultural & Press DivisionScholarshipMEXT >Research Students

Monbukagakusho, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology(MEXT) offers various scholarships for non-Japanese nationals wishing to study in Japan. In Ethiopia, the Ministry offers scholarship programs for Research Students, Undergraduate Students and College of Technology Students.

    Research Students    
  MEXT offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese universities as research students under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program for 2020.

This scholarship offers applicants the opportunity to conduct research under a Japanese professor. Any field of study is eligible for the scholarship, but applicants must find a Japanese professor willing to supervise their research. However, this does not guarantee that the applicant will be placed with that professor.

Application Guidelines and Forms
Letter of Provisional Acceptance Only for those who have passed the first screening.