Development Cooperation

1.General View

2.Consultation Desk on Fraud and Corruption in ODA

3.ODA programme for Ethiopia
Signing Ceremony for Japanese Grant Aid for the Project for the Improvement of Secondary Schools in Sidama Region
Handover Ceremony of the New IPSTI Training Building and Graduation Ceremony of the Master’s Programme in Peace and Conflict Management in collaboration with UNDP
Handover Ceremony of the Project for Expansion of Arbegona Yayye Senior Secondary School in Arbegona Woreda, Yaye Town, Sidama Region
Handover Ceremony of the Project for Expansion of Belela Secondary School in Bilate Zuira Woreda, Sidama Region
Ambassador’s Participation in Review Workshop on Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) into the Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programme in Ethiopia
Japanese Grant Aid Groundbreaking for the Project for the Improvement of Social Infrastructure in Amhara and Tigray Regions (UNICEF Partnership)
Signing Ceremony of the Japan’s Grant Project for Supporting the “National Demobilization and Reintegration Programme” (UNDP Partnership)
Launching Ceremony for “Promotion of Self-reliance of Refugee Camps and Host Community” by Good Neighbors
Launching Ceremony for “Project for Expansion of Teferi Kela Primary School in Sidama Region”
Handing Over Ceremony of 12 Vehicles Japanese Grant Aid for the Project for Facilitating National Dialogue (UNDP Partnership)
Launching Ceremony for “Project for Expansion of Belela Secondary School in Sidama Region”
2024/3/12 The launching Ceremony for the ITOCHU-UNFPA Joint Project
2024/2/8 Japan Provides USD 10 Million in Emergency Support to the Horn of Africa
2024/1/16 Handing Over Ceremony for the “Women’s empowerment through water supply system” by HOPE International Development Agency Japan
2023/12/5 Handing Over of Classroom Block and Activities for Peace Building by Good Neighbors
2023/11/20 Signing Ceremony for technology transfer on sewing between Itochu Corporation and Salem Children’s Village
2023/11/17 Launching ceremony of Agricultural Project (Crop and Livestock) through FAO
2023/11/16 Ceremony of Laying a Cornerstone for Project for Construction of a Shelter for Victims of Gender-based Violence in Addis Ababa
2023/11/15 Inauguration Ceremony of the Project for Expansion of Kusra Primary School in Kusura Kebele, Amibara Woreda, Afar Region
2023/11/14 Hand-over of Ambulances and Medical Equipment to Amhara and Benishangul-Gumuz Regions through UNFPA
2023/10/9 Inauguration Ceremony for “The Project for the Construction of TICAD Human Resource Development Center for Business and Industry”
2023/9/23 Signing Ceremony for “Project for the Construction of a Shelter for Victims of Gender-based Violence in Addis Ababa”
2023/9/18 Handover Ceremony for “The Project for the Improvement of Equipment for Road Maintenance in Addis Ababa City”
2023/8/28 Inauguration Ceremony for “the Project for Construction of Library in Adea Model Secondary School, Bishoftu Town, East Shewa Zone, Oromia Region”
2023/8/21 Signing Ceremony for “Project for Expansion of Model Primary School in Dawro Zone, SWEPR”
2023/7/13 Inauguration Ceremony for “Improvement of Water Supply in Bahir Dar City”
2023/6/19 Signing Ceremony for Japanese Grant Aid for the Project for the Improvement of Social Infrastructure in Amhara and Tigray Regions (UNICEF Partnership)
2023/5/30 Opening Ceremony for the Project for “Building Sustainable Peace through Promotion of Livelihood and Social Cohesion in Gedeo and West-Guji” by NGO Good Neighbors Japan
2023/5/29 Handover Ceremony for “Pro-Environment Market-oriented Agriculture Promotion Project in Ethiopia (PREMAP)” funded by Japan’s NGO Partnership Grant Assistance
2023/5/26 Signing Ceremony for Japanese Grant Aid for the Project for Facilitating National Dialogue (UNDP Partnership)
2023/5/18 A New Programme for the “Youth Leader Fund for a World Without Nuclear Weapons” is Now Open for Application
2023/5/16 Handover Ceremony for Food Assistance Program
2023/3/23 Japan ICRC Joint Event
2023/3/20 Inauguration Ceremony for the Construction of Lich Gogo Secondary School in Kidigsa Kebele, Lemo Woreda, Hadiya Zone, SNNPR
2023/3/14 Signing Ceremony for the Grant Contracts of the Grant Assistance for Grass-root Human Security Projects (GGP) for “the Expansion of Gabi-Kas Kebele Primary School in Somali” and for “the Expansion of Arbegona Yayye Senior Secondary School in Sidama”
2023/3/10 Signing Ceremony for Japanese Grant Aid for the Development of Water Supply in Oromia and Amhara regions and for the Provision of Fertilizer
2023/3/10 International Women’s Day Events
2023/3/7 Japan Provides Lifesaving Emergency Nutrition Support
2023/2/20 Japan Continues Support for Expanding Gender Sensitive Services with UNFPA
2023/2/14 Inauguration Ceremony of “the Project for Building the Disability Vocational Training Center in Bekoji Town, Eastern Arsi Zone, Oromia Region”
2023/1/31 Inauguration Ceremony of “the Project for Expansion of Kololo Primary School in Kololo Kebele, Tembaro Woreda, Kembata-Tembaro Zone, SNNPR”
2022/12/27 Signing Ceremony for “Project for Bridge Renovation in Kembata Tembaro Zone, SNNPR”
2022/12/12 Hand-over of Ambulances to Amhara and Benishangul-Gumuz Regions with UNFPA
2022/11/15 Ambassador ITO’s Visit to the Japanese ODA Project Sites in Bahir Dar City And Lecture at Bahir Dar University
2022/11/15 Ambassador ITO’s Meeting with the President of Amhara and Visit to the Japanese ODA Project Sites in Bahir Dar City
2022/11/11 Ambassador Ito attended the third lecture under the JICA Chair Program
2022/10/26 Inauguration Ceremoney for Constructiong a Multi-purpose Training and Education Center in Jinka
2022/9/30 Ambassador ITO contributed her article on “How TICAD8 can benefit Ethiopia's Economy, Society and Peace and Stability”
2022/9/28 Signing Ceremony for “Economic Social Development Plan”
2022/8/16 Ambassador Ito attended the experience-sharing meeting on Peace Education by UNESCO-IICBA
2022/8/15 Signing Ceremoney for the Expansion of Jigjiga Medical Worker Vocational Training Center in Somali Region
2022/7/28 Ambassador Ito's Attendance at the Africa-Asia Youth Forum (AAYF)
2022/7/25 Contract Signing Ceremony for “The Project for the Improvement of Equipment for Road Maintenance in Addis Ababa City”
2022/5/26 Ambassador Ito attended the webinar on Peace Education by UNESCO-IICBA
2022/4/27 Inauguration Ceremony for the Project for Expansion of Yuwo Secondary School in Aruma Kebele, Wondo Genet Woreda, Sidama Region
2022/4/19 Ambassador Ito attended the 2nd lecture under the JICA Chair Program
2022/4/12 Inauguration Ceremony for the Expansion of the Garment Training Center in Selam Children’s Village, Yeka Sub City, Addis Ababa